terminal buda bud at the tip of a stem responsible for terminal growth.
axillary bud or lateral budbuds along side the axis of a stem; once they grow and form a stem they become terminal buds.
flower buda bud containing the floral meristem which develops into flowers
leaf scara scar marking the former point of attachment of a leaf or petiole to the stem.
nodepart of the stem marking point of attachment of leaves, buds and other stems.
internodethe part of the stem between the nodes.
lenticelrough areas on stems
(and some fruits, ex. apple) where loosely packed cells extend from the cortex through the ruptured epidermis; they function as breathing pores for gas exchange.
growth ringbud scale scars from the last terminal bud.  Can be used to age stems.
budan underdeveloped and unelongated stem composed of a short axis with compressed internodes , a meristematic apex, and primordial leaves and/or flowers.